The future of South Woodford

What do you like about South Woodford? What would you change? How should the area look in 10 years' time?

Design Codes Pathfinder Progamme

We have been working hard over the past couple of years, having been chosen as one of only four neighbourhood forums within the country (alongside 21 local authorities) to participate in the government’s funded Design Code Pathfinder Programme.

Design codes are a collection of design principles to help local areas to deliver beautiful and sustainable places and communities, e.g. by specifying parameters for the heights and size of new developments, local building materials or the layout of streets.

Previous public engagement highlighted a desire to improve on the provision of green outdoor spaces, infrastructure and a vibrant high street, with the overall vision for our neighbourhood to be a wonderful place to live, work and visit. Once again, we ask for your ideas and input into this process which will ensure that it is community driven.

How to get involved

Please visit our South Woodford Design Code community portal Home | South Woodford Society ( This is your place to influence the development of your local area.

If you are interested in becoming more directly involved, please let us know via email to or check out our dedicated website, which includes fun interactive ways for sharing information and for you to give us you views, which we can then take into account in producing our design code for South Woodford.